Friday, 16 May 2014

Baby steps

Taking the plunge.  Yikes.  I am finally in the process of doing a website.  

Generally I don't have a problem with commitment, but when it comes to putting my work out there and baring myself to the world (well, whomever is watching/listening) I really struggle to commit. 

So thanks to a bit (read a lot) of pressure and support from my DH and of course from my brother and his wife who started the ball rolling,nearly 2 years ago I might add...gulp, I am finally working on a website which is so necessary for my business.

It's also my first step into blogging which I hope will be a bit more successful than my seldom and rather random posts on Facebook.   

With much trepidation and a little bit of FREAKING OUT, here is my first blog post with a first attempt at a website following soon.  I am quite sure there will be much wine and procrastination, of which I'm a master, this weekend as I try valiantly to meet the deadline which has been so lovingly set by my DH who knows me so well.

Here goes...